International® headquarters has been in Lisle, Illinois since 2011. This location manages strategic planning, corporate communications, taxes, law, books of record, marketing, finance, human resources, and information technology. Corporate headquarters takes responsibility for the overall success of the company and ensures corporate governance. Our headquarters also supports enterprise-wide needed support services and technology to serve customers and business partners.
2701 International Drive
Lisle, Illinois 60532
United States
Phone: 331-332-5000
Product Literature
Product brochures may be found online for each model.
Owner's Manual
Contact your nearest International dealer.
Service or Repair
To inquire about or schedule service, contact your nearest International or IC Bus dealer.
Purchasing a New International
If you know what you're looking for, search online for new vehicle inventory or used vehicle inventory.
To request pricing and order new vehicles, contact your nearest International dealer.
And of course, you may contact your nearest International dealer.
Trade in a Vehicle
Contact your nearest International or IC Bus dealer.
Work at International
For opportunities as a Dealer Technician, please contact your nearest International Dealer.
General Inquiries
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